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Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Moeslein

FAU Vice President & EURAM President Elect

"Collaborative learning, joint innovation and co-creation of knowledge will characterize the future of education. I envision a future where learning happens in all kinds of places, at flexible time schedules and in very diverse digital and social settings. Let us care much more about deep engagement, the joy of learning and traceable learning journeys!"

  • Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Moeslein

Prof. Frank T. Piller


Director of TIM Institute at RWTH Aachen

"Personalization is the future of education. Mass customization has been used as an approach to customize sneakers, muesli, and blue jeans. Today, the technology is there to finally transfer this strategy to all levels of education in a scalable way. I envision a future where digital twins and shadows of each student's learning journey will totally transfer their teaching or training experience into a personalized challenge, empowering students and also making learning much more fun."

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Prof. Kalevi Ekman

Godfather of Design Factory Global Network
Director and Founder of AALTO University Design Factory

"The pandemic has boosted online education. This is an opportunity but also a risk. Practice related sciences need reinforcing the bridge between theory and practice. In academic programs, we should not focus on the content only. My three dreams: To inspire and engage every single student! Help them to find their passion! Educate them to understand, respect and trust other experts."

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Prof. Gina O'Connor

Professor of Innovation Management at Babson College

"Through academic research and ongoing practice, we know much more about innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity now than even 10 years ago.  Innovation is now recognized as a profession. It is important to share these learnings and help with skill building through traditional and non traditional educational vehicles: Masters’ programs, Executive Education, short seminars and conferences."

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Radek Czahajda

Trainer' Forum Co-Founder, EPALE Ambassador

"I believe that right now, actions are more important than thoughts. The actual future will have different scenarios depending on what we do today. For me, the most vital actions for the future of education are: 1. Making scientists’ voice heard 2. Bringing diverse educators together to exchange and innovate 3. Using the advances in technology for making quality learning inclusive and accessible. Let’s shape the best possible scenario together!"

  • Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Moeslein


Ole Tillmann

Founder and CEO PEAK Berlin

"The future of teaching entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity is exciting. I think there is no better way to learn new skills than running a business. You need to focus on things that are relevant in that very moment and implement your learnings right away."

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Piero Formica

Founder of International Entrepreneurship Academy

"The future of teaching innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship is in the reimagined school. It triggers a process that puts imagination before knowledge, develops awareness and learning of new scientific concepts, and brings together humanistic and scientific sources in a new and unique channel of knowledge, the STEAM channel."

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Dr. Tina Ladwig

CEO at Northern Institute of Technology Management

"Learning will be increasingly individual, whereas creative processes will be increasingly collaborative. This means that learners will request different modules and learning units from different education providers and combine them individually to complete a degree in the course of their lives. The challenge in the future will, therefore be to bring together these individual paths of learners in such a way that creativity can be promoted as a group phenomenon."

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Sanjaya Mishra

Education Specialist, eLearning at Commonwealth of Learning

"The future will be shaped by our ability to see the invisible, create an ecosystem of lifelong learning and earning, and redesign learning spaces to facilitate collaborative learning. Focusing on ethics, equity and empowerment in teaching innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity will help humanity face the invisible.”


"New technologies and rising speed of innovations increase the need for life-long learning and more fragmented education offerings. Now is the time to grasp the opportunities of digital innovations and lower the barriers to education. It should accessible for everyone: irrespective of the people’s location, age, and formal background."

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Florian Fiedler

CEO & Co-Founder

of Blockbay GmbH



David Porter


Senior Adviser - Higher education at

Commonwealth of Learning

"I believe that architecting one's own future will become a lifelong learning strategy. Everyone is going to have multiple careers, and jobs within those careers will morph at an increasing pace. Having the resilience and ingenuity to adapt will be an important attribute to develop over a lifetime. We need to build individual capacity to meet downstream opportunities and challenges."


Aravind Chinchure

Founder & CEO at

QLeap Academy

"What is, without a doubt, carved in stone is the automation of almost all sectors. It is going to be all-pervasive and all-encompassing. The question is, how do we adapt? I believe creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial skills combined with human skills, will enable 21st-century talent to face and lead the future."


Oliver Janoschka


Managing Director Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

"The future of education is happening - now! Based on open networks, we already have the chance to adopt innovative solutions to transform our educational systems. The key for this literacy is within us - forming a broad changemaker community to develop our institutions mastering this digital turn: collaborating now!"


Richard Maaghul


Chief Executive Officer at ODEM

"Higher education (HE) needs a rebirth; 94% of the world’s population currently have no access to it and the improvement in life quality which it offers. Innovative decentralized technologies like blockchain can help open access to HE via open trusted networks which allow students, educators and employers to directly connect with one another."

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Clare Stead

Founder, Creator & CEO at Oliiki

"Why wait?   Let’s start with our youngest children from the earliest of days. Making play the playground for developing the skills and experiences required for innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity embeds the teaching and learning into the everyday, which ensures it becomes the norm for the next generation.  I’m excited!"

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Javier Fernandez

Education Advisor – Embassy of Spain in the P.R. of China

“Education is already shaping the future of work, technology and society. Schools are evolving and not confined anymore to a physical space. The long-awaited dream of a global and cosmopolitan teaching perspective, with a more tailored and adapted learning process, is now a reality. Innovation will be a core part of the national curriculums, creativity will be fundamental in reimagining the different ways we organize knowledge –perhaps also a key-part of any methodology.”

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VISION brings together leading institutions and actively engages 120 stakeholders and experts across all sectors (HEI, industry, non-profit etc), and ensures that different perspectives, most innovative ideas and abundant future projections on CIE are generated.


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© 2019-2020 by VISION Project. 


Project Number: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2020 - December 2021

The information and views set out in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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