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The future of digital creative learning - opportunity or challenge?

Lucija Barisic

You can hate it, you can be bored with it, but you can’t fight it – digital learning is what we have to live with! With all denial, can we still make digital learning as something creative and attractive? How to make a bridge between today’s ‘new norm’ and tomorrow’s ‘way of life’ for all involved with digital learning? How to start loving it and making most of it? How the future of online learning is different from that of today when we still struggle with it?

Discussion Panel hosted by Tim Jones, Co-Founder and Programme Director of Future Agenda


Justin Cooke, Chief Content & Partnerships Officer at FutureLearn

Oliver Janoschka, Head of Programmes at Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft

This discussion panel was delivered at the 32nd ISPIM Innovation Conference on 23 June 2021.



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Project Number: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2020 - December 2021

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