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PODCAST #5: Delivering digital transformation

Lucija Barisic

The challenge of digital innovation is everywhere. It’s hard to escape the talk of ‘revolutionary impact’ or ‘digital disruption’ or the need for new strategies to cope with ‘digital transformation’. But what’s really going on, where are the big questions we should be addressing and how might this affect our approach to innovation management?

This podcast features an interview with Alan Brown, Professor of Digital Economy at the University of Exeter, author of the influential book ‘Delivering digital transformation’, and a well-known writer and speaker on the topic. In it he explores some of the key issues surrounding the effective use of digital innovation, drawing on themes which he regular talks about in his excellent blog series ‘Digital economy dispatches’.

And you can find a video version here.

Listen to the podcast here.



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Project Number: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2020 - December 2021

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