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Lifelong learning in the age of digital transformation

Lucija Barisic

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

Lifelong learning in the age of digital transformation: Chances and challenges for institutions of higher education

This online session is concerned with the disruptive opportunities and challenges that digital transformation brings to higher education institutions. Based on insights generated in our project, we will share our results and discuss with the participants the following issues:

  1. How can institutions of higher education turn disruptive challenges into promising opportunities?

  2. How can the requisite competencies for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship (CIE) be imparted to those that need it the most efficiently and effectively?

  3. How can we use the approach of frugal innovation (“affordable green excellence”) to enable lifelong learning and mitigate the global societal challenges by ensuring social inclusion?



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© 2019-2020 by VISION Project. 


Project Number: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2020 - December 2021

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